Alina Gheonea's profile

XD Creative Challenge - Media Server

Media Server
This project is the outcome of several prompts issued for the XD daily creative challenge that started on September 28th and ended on October 9th. Instead of creating different projects, I preferred to built on the same project while working on 3 prompts, in order to create a richer experience.
Day 2: Auto-Animate
Design and prototype a desktop media server. Utilize auto animate to create elegant micro-interactions and transitions to different screens.

Day 3: Anchor Links
Design an FAQ section for a website and using a pinned navigation the side, anchor the links to snap to different areas for the answers on the right.

Day 8: Scroll Groups
Design a desktop media player. Utilize scroll groups to scroll and pan through the different sections of the app.
I created a media server app for watching movies called Movitek, with a troubleshooting section where the user can easily scroll to a specific issue.
Movie details
Photos from IMDB.

The complete set of challenges (starter files and live video recordings) can be found here.
XD Creative Challenge - Media Server


XD Creative Challenge - Media Server

My personal work made during the XD Daily Creative Challenge driven by Peter Deltondo from September 28th to October 9th 2020.
