Profil użytkownika „Harriet Chan”

Whisper Pantiliner - Package Revamp GC 2007

Whisper Pantyliner
Design Revamp for Greater China
(China, Taiwan and Hong Kong)

With the overall Whisper rebranding in 2007, Whisper pantyliner needed a new look with the new added petal shape device. How to give a new look to the market, and at the same time keeping the existing consumers to continue to buy them without any confusions to select their products? This is always the struggle whenever a new package design is going to launch for an existing product.

Keeping the purple is important, as it's the main element that consumers find Whisper Pantyliner on the shelf. On the other hand, thickness of pantyliner is one of the main factor of consumers to make their deal. So, it's quite important to show the thickness on the pack, however with the constraint of the pack size and the orientation of the products inside the pack, showing the products through a clear window is quite messy and won't look good. We suggested to print the thickness of with a window effect, then consumers can select the product thickness and at the same time the pack design looks much tiny. Besides, there were 2 ranges of pantyliner (mesh and cotton), we kept 2 different tones of purple to make differentiation.

The outcome is a success, as I can still find this pack design without any changes after more than 10 years until they had another round of rebranding in 2018.

Art direction by Harriet Chan at Landor.
Whisper Pantiliner - Package Revamp GC 2007

Whisper Pantiliner - Package Revamp GC 2007
