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Legacy Command: Faircrest Campaign

Legacy Command: Book of the Listener (Book 1 of 4)
Character Creation Workbook
2020. 29pp.

Character Creation Workbook. Gamified narrative that includes the first group exercises to build an RPG character based on the player's real life personality, values, and goals.

Copyright: Glimmergate Publishing. © All Rights Reserved
Black & White "Print at Home" Game Cards
August 2020.

Each week in Legacy Command, players visit a new village on the planet of Dodeca where they calculate the Valor, Krana, and Craft they have earned each week from activities and habits. Together, they use these resources to upgrade weapons, armor, spells, and animal companions for a battle to protect the village from The Dominion Army. 

Legacy Command campaigns are 28 days, and made up of 4 villages - one per week. Players who complete 3 Campaigns receive special Saga Rewards. Over time, players build their character and achieve their goals with fellow players acting as proxy coaches and accountability partners. 

These print and play cards can be cut out and fit to standard 3" x 5" index cards using adhesive. Once the cards are glued and cut, the cards pair with the workbooks and planner to function as a complete gamified achievement tracking and time management system.
Work in Progress)
Legacy Command: Book of the Virtuoso
28-Day Campaign DayPlanner
September 2020. 29pp.

28-Day Campaign DayPlanner. Each campaign contains enemies unique to the region. Regions are made up of 3 Provinces. September's Province was "Faircrest" and represents "Creativity." Players must protect each of the 4 villages (7 days each) from the invasion of Dominion enemies, and ultimately defeat the nemesis, Idd the Engineer.

Copyright: Glimmergate Publishing. © All Rights Reserved
Legacy Command: Faircrest Campaign


Legacy Command: Faircrest Campaign
