Mike Houghton's profile

Spacial Care Logo & Branding

Logo & Branding

Spacial Care is a small business idea thought up by a young lady who has a passion for sorting and organising life. 
The concept behind Spacial Care is to declutter, organise and reshape the way that we store our belongings. In a world where we have access to multiple sources to buy and shop, our homes can quickly become overwhelmed with items that no longer get used. It is here that the help of Spacial Care comes in!

A clutter free and functional living environment has been proven to help our mental wellbeing and create a sense of order around us. Spacial Care focuses on making your home tidy and functional but also approach each job with an open mind and sympathetic, friendly attitude.



First and foremost it was important for me to understand the companies ethos, what key components do I need to incorporate into the logo? what look and feel am I wanting to portray through the branding?
It was evident that the logo needed to be simple in design and that the spacing should be generous around the individual parts, this was mainly to evoke a feeling of space and clarity. 

I chose a typeface that was simplistic in its design, something to compliment the box drawing in the centre of the logo. The box itself is a representation of storage and packing and the square below it shows order and a sense of belonging. The logo is held together by a circular band that depicts the care and focus Spacial Care offer its clients.

Spacial Care Logo & Branding

Spacial Care Logo & Branding
