Profil appartenant à Fábio Correia

Lisbon Tourism Exchange (BTL) 2019

Lisbon Tourism Exchange (BTL) 2019
Madeira Islands Exhibition stand elected for the second time the best of Lisbon Tourism Exchange (BTL).

For the second time, the Madeira Island exhibition stand won this National Prize for its participation in the 2019 edition at the Lisbon Tourism Exchange (BTL), for achieving the requirements for decoration, animation and promotion: The award for the best exhibition stand, in the Public Category.

In 2019 we celebrated the 600 years of the Discovery of Madeira Island and that was the motif that served as inspiration for the Madeira Stand in the Lisbon Tourism Exchange (Bolsa de Turismo de Lisboa) 2019.

The big boat sails, the number 600, the deck floor, the sea, the big laurel trees at the moment of the discovery were the main themes of the stand. For 5 days, workshops, theatre performances, interviews and traditional food tastings.

At the time I worked as a graphic designer at who conceived the project. Aditerni was the company that constructed the stand.
Lisbon Tourism Exchange (BTL) 2019
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Lisbon Tourism Exchange (BTL) 2019

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