Rail Travel  TV set design
Rail Travel is an imaginary TV travel show about great railway journeys. Through reportages and interviews, the program seeks to highlight the the great charm of low-impact travel style and its environmental benefits.
The whole structure uses energy efficient and affordable wooden paletts, in order to enhance the key concept of sustainability and capture the alternative mood of the program.

The two red rails that run through the studio, visually “accompany” the public to their seats,  leading the eye toward the main screen and the desk/interview area. The desk itself is a tridimentional extention of the two rails making for a strong aesthetic presence that breaks up the possible monotony of the wood and giving to the set a sense of dynamism.

Arranged on different levels on the floor, the paletts make two lines of seats to accommodate the public. Along the walls, they  work as  shutters of old railway carriages, revealing the big screens that are behind them, where the landscapes scroll as if through the window of a train.
© Virginia de Colombani
Rail Travel

Rail Travel

Rail Travel is an imaginary TV travel show about great railway journeys. Through reportages and interviews, the program seeks to highlight the th Read More
