Marlie Struwig's profileHaiko Nieuwoudt's profile

The Bread Bin Project

The Bread Bin Project. Feeding it Forward. 

The Bread Bin Project aims to acknowledge, address and provide a practical solution to the apparent lack of sufficient food and food resources in Idas Valley. To provide Lückhoff High School, Idas Valley, a means of becoming self-sufficient by using existing, accesible and available materials to design and create a useable, practical bread oven as a food resource, ensuring a plentiful supply of bread (part of the scholars everyday staple diet). This is done with the purpose to encourage and enhance social interaction within the school; the educational intention to inspire moral ownership to the right to food or freedom of hunger; and to instil a greater sense of self-actualisation and social responsibility in the scholars. 
(Group Project: Bianca Boshoff, Yaseen Brown, Haiko Nieuwoudt, Marlie Struwig, Bianca Wittig).
The Bread Bin Project