Brush Harvesting Safety

Issue: Some of Washington State Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) managed forestlands are selected for harvesting specialized forest products like salal and ferns. ‘Brush harvesters’ get a permit, and flock to the forest. But hunters go there too, and logging trucks drive on narrow roads year-round. Safety education was needed.

Solution: Communicate key safety concepts and harvesting rules basics to harvesters from diverse cultural origins, many of whom do not speak English. Educate brush harvesters about the need of wearing bright-colored clothes, purchasing necessary permits, and following the rules. Materials include an accordion-like booklet posters and forest signs. Icons from The Noun Project: Harvester, van, hunter, and logging truck icons designed by Luis Prado/DNR; Hand icon by Øystein W. Arbo; Trash by Roger Cook, Don Shanosky, Riley Shaw; Open Hands icon collaboration by Jack Biesek, Gladys Brenner, Margaret Faye, Healther Merrifield, Kate Keating, Wendy Olmstead, Todd Pierce, Jamie Cowgill & Jim Bolek. Happy & Sad Face icons by Tobias F. Wolf.
Brush Harvesting Safety


Brush Harvesting Safety

Issue: Some of Washington State Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) managed forestlands are selected for harvesting specialized forest product Další informace
