'Meet at the slaughter house'  is a film which still under development. click on the link to watch the first draft.
Disclaimer: Graphic Footage
You & Your Gods

In a country, where we obsess over "Gods " in the form of religion, complexion & power, 'You & Your Gods ' is a song that pulls off the veil to show things for what they really are. With this single, Arshaq Malik(Rapper) & 47K(Producer) wanted to tear down the image of these constructs & traditions and paint them as simple tools of control & power. 

Exploring non-linear way of filming 'movement' and play of light to create evoking and intense atmosphere to lay the importance to what was to be conveyed through the track. Cutting frames to create engaging yet a different format to capture dense bone-breaking choreography by Swaroop KIshen (Movement Artist). 

Free World Order

"Free World Order is a collaborative project that revolves around a day in the life of Chennai-based graffiti artist,Epoc. The music was tailor made by Arshaq Malik to fit the visuals conceptualized and captured. The spot chosen for the piece was  with intent of being viewed directly from the metro as we head towards M.G.Road. A reminder to make art and it means to the city, exploring formats of storytelling.
Merging the art forms of music & film-making .'Free World Order' aims to give an honest & raw insight into the life of a graffiti artist in India. Various styles of music,ranging from funky grooves to hard-hitting metal-based rhythms,have been employed to resonate with the energy of the visuals.

Eid Ka Chand 

The film encapsulates a raw and local aesthetic of what the track, 'Eid Ka Chand' by the Bangalore Dakhni rapper Mohammad Affan (Nex) aims to deliver. The visual is a canvas of where the artist (Nex) dwelled in while growing up, Neelsandra. Framed the daily routine of what he experiences on his own streets,  opening the visual to the roasting of lambs' legs to rapping along the streets. 
The visual is an attempt to capture the city breathing the air of rawness and exhibit the local context and creating atypical hip-hop visuals, to celebrate by discarding the ornamentation of music videos. 
Bringing film to its roots , to tell relatable stories, to document an inspirational visual for the people of Neelsandra, emphasising the cultural essence and for the localites to listen to music in a language of their own for the first time, setting an example to write and create more in the language of Dakhni.
Lost the Vision

While architecture is poetry written in stone, the visual is an attempt to play perspectives of both the space and the words written by the hip-hop artist, Arshaq Malik. 
'Lost the vision' says the rapper, yet the visual is an underlaid metaphor to how there are no doors to open or close, there is a performance of light & shadow play through the voids of the abandoned building. 
Stillness of space, as counterintuitive as it sounds, is an expression of the rawness of under-constructed landscape to blend with Arshaq's creative outlet of an artist's routine and thoughts. 

Addalo Andalu

'Addalo Andalu' in Telugu meaning 'Beauty in the mirrors'. 
The experimental video was set to explore metaphors of a female gaze.
To finally not to arrive or decide on feelings but to simply observe and watch.
A visual abstraction of local colors and materials.
Experimental ​​​​​​​cuts
      Selected Photographs
             T                                           Thank you.

