Profil appartenant à chris morgan

Photographic still lives

First thing you notice is the strong contrast of this photo and the use of the reflective surface to double down on the subject, the vignette brings the viewers in to the centre of photo, as well as this the use of the forks to centre line the image works well as it splits the photo clearly.
The use of light in this one and the centred composition of the lemon draws the viewers eyes in to the middle of the page , as well as this the contrast of the colours and the light and darks works very well , the colours being contrasting colours yellow and blue . Again with the use of reflective surfaces but I think this image ive taken has been cut 
The trainer although there is only one in frame , the use of the reflective surface gives the viewer the look that there is two , which is clever because shoes are not sold speratly but in pairs . the use of the reflection and it being centred and having the sole of the shoe going thru the middle of the page and the use of the diagonal light draws the viewers eyes to the shoe as well . as for colours the use of the blacks and a white light ties well with the shoe as well as with the logo , making the shoe stand out bold for the viewer.
Photographic still lives
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Photographic still lives

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