Moon Hare
Represents rebirth, a return to youth, as well as intuition and "light in the dark." The hare is associated with sacrificial fire and "life through death." Everywhere the hare is a symbol of fertility, worldly wisdom, speed, agility. As a lunar animal, along with a dog and a lizard, he serves as an intermediary between man and lunar deities.
The hare is the keeper of wild animals. In Egypt, the hare represents dawn, beginning, discovery, rise and frequency. It is the emblem of Thoth and is associated with the Moon. In the European tradition, the Easter bunny symbolizes dawn and new life, it is an attribute of the goddess of the moon with a hare head, Eostra, who gave the name to Easter Easter. For this reason, the Easter Bunny symbolizes rebirth, resurrection, as well as the birth of a new moon.
In Greek mythology, the Hare is an animal messenger and an attribute of Hermes (Mercury), as well as Aphrodite and Eros. Cupid is often depicted with hares.
Moon hare

Moon hare
