Mars in search of Venus
The painting depicts the god Mars, he is blinded by his love for Venus, so his eyes are covered with a red bandage.
In the Roman religion, Mars is one of the most ancient gods of Italy and Rome, was a member of the triad of gods who originally headed the Roman pantheon (Jupiter, Mars and Quirinus). God of War.
In his honor, the first month of the Roman year, in which the rite of expulsion of winter was performed, was named March.
In many Romance languages, the day of the week is named in honor of Mars - Tuesday (Moldovan and Roman marţi, Spanish martes, French mardi, Italian martedì).
The wife of Mars was the goddess Nerio, who was identified with Venus and Minerva. One legend says that one day Mars fell in love with Venus and asked the aged goddess Anna Perenna to act as a matchmaker. After some time, Anna Perenna informed him that Venus agreed to become his wife. When Mars went after the bride and lifted the veil of the goddess presented to him, he found that before him was not Minerva, but the old woman Anna Perenna. The rest of the gods made fun of this joke for a long time. However, after a while he was able to win the heart of his beloved goddess.
Mars in search of Venus

Mars in search of Venus
