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Betgames.tv Game Covers

Game Covers for Betgames.tv
Speedy 7

This cover was created based on studio design and main game elements - cards. Game is about choosing one of the colors - Red or Black - so those colors were used in the design as well.

Photoshop + Illustrator
Andar Bahar 

Andar Bahar is a card game that has been a part of social life in India for many centuries. Andar Bahar translated to English means Inside-Out. With this cover, I wanted to reflect that idea and created those card waves like they are flying inside and outside. 

3Ds Max + Photoshop + Illustrator
Dice Duel

Dice Duel game title explains game it-self. While avoiding casual visual representation of duel (1 vs 1), I chose to show this game idea as a collision. The colors used - Blue and Red - were decided as the main game elements (dices) are in those colors.

3Ds Max + Photoshop
6+ Poker

This game was first Betgames.tv game, where face-down cards were used during the draw. As a reason, I decided to create this locked box with card symbols to represent this idea. Golden waves were created as inspiration from game studio design.

3Ds Max + Photoshop
Rock Paper Scissors

It is a classic well-known game where the player has to choose on the 3 symbols - Rock, Paper or Scissors. Betgames.tv brought this game to the whole new level and created the ability for the user to choose one side (or both) to place a bet - Silver or Gold. Coins in the game cover are based on graphics in the game. Dynamic wave in the cover was used to reflect Rock Paper Scissors game mechanics due to this game is fast & fun!

Photoshop + Illustrator
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Betgames.tv Game Covers

Betgames.tv Game Covers
