Profil von Vivek BG

Woodwork: Photo-board

Woodwork: Display board
This project was pretty straightforward. I bought a 5x3 plywood board and got it cut to shape.
I reinforced the surface with a synthetic resin and later applied a single coat of varnish on the front surface.
I know with time plywood tend to come off in layers. Nonetheless, I chose not to apply any beading on the borders: if the layers start parting, I'll paint each layer brightly! With this, I hope the board can breathe. Since this is wall mounted danger of water damage is pretty low.
Three coats of wall-paint later, I was done.
When both you and your dad visited the same place at around the same age and have a photo to tell a tale.
Photo of the stone chariot at Hampi, Karnataka, a World Heritage Site.
Woodwork: Photo-board


Woodwork: Photo-board
