Perfil de Laura Lin

Painted Verses: Tiger Strength // Illustration

Painted Verse #40
Illustration #40 is inspired by Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things, through Christ who gives me strength." Crafted with love and care, I created this piece for  my personal project - Painted Verses. I had so much fun playing around with colors, textures and types.  Drawing the tiger the was a laborious but exhilarating process.  

As part of the Painted Verses series, the piece expresses the scripture visually through a combination of disciplines and media inlcuding illustration, typography, traditional and digital media.  

For this piece, I started with a compositional sketch on a small drawing pad.  I also played around with the color palette at this stage. After I'm satifised with the sketch, I moved on to a 17"x22" bristol paper and began the process of drawing and inking. When the ink dried, the illustration was scanned and colored on Photoshop.  I also added texture and did some minor cleanup. You can scroll down to see the final product.
To see more illustrations, please take a look at my project at
Step 1: Rough color sketch (a good time to do a spell check..)
Step 2: Monochoromatic ink drawing on paper
Step 3: Final artwork cleaned up in Photoshop and with color applied
Painted Verses: Tiger Strength // Illustration

Painted Verses: Tiger Strength // Illustration

Painted Verses project - Original illustrations of scriptures from the Bible
