da-dam by Gedy 
kids hygiene and care accessories
As senior designer working for madeindreams I was the team leader for the product design and development of this family of accessories for little kids hygiene and care.
Product team members were : Michele Radice Fossati, Marco Gillio.
Gedy spa  is an hystorical company specialized in bathroom accessories and these were the first kid dedicated products in its catalogue.
Lot of attention was paid designing these product above all checking ergonomy, usability and brand values coherence.
da-dam family
potty that can become a step
potty/step handles
da-dam mascotte texture
little deckchair for bath time
toilette adapter
bath tub
bath tub safety label and thermometer
toy holder
safety kit
first sketches
da-dam by Gedy

da-dam by Gedy

Product line dedicated to little kids hygiene and care designed for Gedy
