90D Studio's profile

90D magazine:1st issue مجلة دليل الابداع:العدد الاول

‘90D’ is a design directory, i.e. the yellow pages of design and art. The reason we came up with the name ‘90D’ is because here in Jeddah when you want to look up a number for a specific place, establishment or even your neighbor’s phone number you call ‘905’ which the city’s directory. ‘90D’ shares that same concept with the ‘D’ that stands for ‘Design’ replacing the ‘5’.

‘90D’ is a permanent database, housing many of the local creative class in the society along with similar establishments. This will make it easier in the future for hiring designers or hosting events or even planning workshops in the future. This database will even tell you if said creative person is available and it can also guarantee a better and more organized future for the creative community in the local market.

At the same time we felt that there should be one place where all these creative talents could gather and discuss or express about anything and everything whether it’s the society, where the world is heading, what’s popular, what’s not and why... Etc.

The main mission of the magazine is to act as a guide, directory and a place where all creatives could come to in order to expand on their knowledge or learn new things whether it's writing, design or even arts and crafts.

Ways to participate:
1- Feel free to use the flickr group to share, discuss and critique your own work or others work.

2- The page is here for you, creatives! Post tutorials, favorite artists, topics that interest you. All is fair in art and war.

3- You maybe wondering what we mean by directory and forming a database. Don't worry, it's not for anything dangerous. What we hope and wish is for you to share with us your contact information so we can store it somewhere and work on creating an index for the creatives. 90D is a community where all helps all. We're here to help you so help us help you!

4- All this juicy creative goodness will be collected and thrown into our 90D magazine but nothing will be done without your approval, creatives. In fact, we want you to want to be in the magazine. Share, comment and contribute. Don't be afraid to let your voice be heard.

For those who are interested in helping us start this index of awesome feel free to send us a message on our page or email us at: 90dcreatives@gmail.com

مجلة ''90D” دليل الإبداع، وهي بمثابة الصفحات الصفراء للتصميم والفنون. فكرة الإسم "90D" مقتبسة من "905" دليل الإستعلامات السعودي. اللذي يعد المرجع الرئيسي للبحث عن أي رقم سواء كان تابعاً لمؤسسات أو أفراد. ففي "90D" استُبدلت "5" بالحرف اللاتيني "D" كنايةً عن "Design” بمعنى تصميم و “Database” بمعنى قاعدة بيانات. 

''”90D هي قاعدة بيانات دائمة، تستضيف العديد من أفراد الطبقة المبدعة في المجتمع السعودي . فهي ستكون الدليل والمرجع الأول للمبدعين. و ستعمل المجلة جنباً إلى جنب مع المؤسسات المماثلة. وهذا سيجعل من الأسهل في المستقبل توظيف المبدعين أو إستضافة الأحداث أو حتى التخطيط لورش العمل في .

المهمة الرئيسة للمجلة هي العمل كدليل لكل المبدعين حيث تمكنهم من صقل موهبتهم و توسيع مداركهم . كما تتيح لهم المجله فرصة التواصل بمن هم لهم خبرة في نفس مجالهم أو في مجالات مختلفة كالفن و الكتابة والمسرح و غيره.

للتواصل و مشاركة اعمالكم بالمجلة
90D magazine:1st issue مجلة دليل الابداع:العدد الاول

90D magazine:1st issue مجلة دليل الابداع:العدد الاول

