Mia Campos F.'s profile

Teaching Literature for Bellaterra Journal

Illustrations for Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature.

Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature is an online peer-reviewed, multilingual academic journal with a focus on language and literature teaching methods. 

Vol 13, No 3 (2020): Current Research on Grammar Teaching. What is the Use of Teaching Grammar?
Illustration for the Teaching of Literature
For the illustration above i was inspired in a quote from Jorge Luis Borges.

"Un libro es una cosa entre las cosas, un volumen perdido entre los volúmenes que pueblan el indiferente universo, hasta que da con su lector, con el hombre destinado a sus símbolos. Ocurre entonces la emoción singular llamada belleza, ese misterio hermoso que no descifran ni la psicología ni la retórica.¨

Jorge Luis Borges

Teaching Literature for Bellaterra Journal

Teaching Literature for Bellaterra Journal
