Alana Cockle 的個人檔案

3 Album Design Iterations

Three Album Cover Design Iterations. 
I took a photo of my hand reaching out and edited it in photoshop, making the skin look smooth and removing the background. I chose to create the galaxy door and the hand of Mac Miller coming out of the door to symbolise him needing help and reaching out to get this help. I then experimented with the typography and came up with the concept bellow.
I decided to create a statue head for the main image of this photo in photoshop as I thought this best represented Mac Miller as he felt emotionless and used just like a statue in a museum. I then added the hands coming out of the head to symbolise his thoughts and how his mind and these thoughts needed rescuing. I then experimented with different ways to put the typography of the album title - different to that of idea 1. 
For this design iteration I chose all my favourite lyrics from his album Swimming and made these lyrics into the background of the album cover. I then added the tear drop to symbolise how this album was written based off his suffering and mental health battles. I then experimented with typography again and I really liked how the text layered over each other as it created another level of interest in the design. 
3 Album Design Iterations

3 Album Design Iterations
