Profil Billy K

Chit Chat - Logo Exploration

Exploration and Development of Logo Alternative 1

The development ideas for the first logo alternative is based on bubble chat, as seen in the logo alternative 1a through 1d. The pixelated version of bubble chat is also implemented to explore more visual logo variations. Geometric forms are used to make the bubble chat as well to enhance the unity between the logotype and the visual elements.

All Logo Explorations 

Three Best Logos for Development

Logo Development 1
The contrast in this logo is created from the typographic treatment using different size and font family to enhance more dynamic and attractive impression. 'chit' and 'CHAT' have different baselines and case to further show the dynamics of the conversation itself.

Logo Development 2
The bubble chat in the logo is created to give more feeling to the conversation in the café. Its tagline, "Eat, Chitchat, Repeat", is also implemented to the logo itself.

Logo Development 3
Contrary to the first logo development, this logo takes more vintage approach. Using the script font as the main typography and paired with condensed sans-serif typography for its tagline. The bubble chat element is also used in this logo as well, however, it is more subtle.

Final Thoughts

The Client
The client chose third logo development, because it looks visually interesting and different from the competitors. They also mentioned that they really like the bold line flowing upward, representing increment, dynamism, and flowing conversations.

The Designer
Personally, the logo that suits best for the company is the second logo development. Because, if Chit Chat's focus is a place where people gather around, spend quality time to talk about various things, then the two bubble chats in the logo can be conveyed as the conversation that happens inside Chit Chat. Also, the unity between the tagline and the logo itself looks better and far more cohesive than the third logo development.

Thank You for Watching!
Which do you think or like best? Let me know in the comment!

Chit Chat - Logo Exploration


Chit Chat - Logo Exploration

Established in 2018, Chit Chat is a small, cozy cafe that serves various sweet and salty toasts. Besides toasts, Chit Chat also serves snacks and Další informace

