This was the original "epic" logo for CJ's Hearth & Home. It was created in Corel Draw. While it might seem busy at first glance, it actually looked really good on the site's original dark background, and several visitors to our site commented on how cool it looked. Unfortunately, the owners felt that it was too much of a deviation from the original logo, and had us replace it with something far more mundane. I miss it.
Various holiday versions of the CJ's Hearth & Home "epic" logo that appeared on the site during its earliest iterations. They were designed for darker backgrounds than what the new version of the site ultimately ended up having.
The CJ's Pro Services logo, from back when they were serious about trying to get and retain corporate and business clients. This logo was only used a short while, which is a shame considering it's one of my personal favorite logos that I ever designed for the company.
A comparison of some revised logos made for the website. I never had any of the files for the old logos, and as far as I know the teeny tiny GIF that each file was made from was the only copy that we ever had.
Fireplace Doors Online went through a "modernizing," and the logo was revised to mesh with the new color scheme, while Fireside Expressions was removed and then later re-released, with the new logo showing off the the actual web address of the site ( -- note that there's only one "E" between the words), and to push the fact that the main draw was fire-on water (special effects, or "FX," get it?) outdoor features. Of course, the management didn't like either logo and they had to go.
The Chico Rodriguez Approved logo is for products that meet with the taciturn approval of Chico Rodriguez (who is in fact a cat).
These are various mini-side banners that appeared on the original CJ's Hearth & Home store that used the BigCommerce platform.
These are single-color vector graphic icons that were originally used as SVG files to select between the various CJ's Home Decor & Fireplaces websites in a responsive menu at the top of the website. While it worked beautifully for the time it was untouched, the menu was eventually wrecked by a multi-color JPEG that was added in by another party, which ruined the layout. The responsive menu was eventually replaced by a single persistant bar with the sites' favicons.
Logos & Icons
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Logos & Icons

Logos and banner icons designed for CJ's Hearth & Home.

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