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IDENTITY: RKAS Podcast & Webinars

Riigi Kinnisvara 
Identity for Podcast & Webinars

Difficult times demand new methods. Riigi Kinnisvara turned to us with a wish to find visual solution to new series of podcasts and webinars. 

Riigi Kinnisvara AS is a real estate development and management company established for the efficient management of state real estate in 2001.

Podcasts are made for Riigi Kinnisvara personnel, to involve and to know more about each team member in general. They talk about their work, personal hobbies real. Podcast are made only for internal use.

Webinars are directed outside Riigi Kinnisvara and subjects focus mainly to introducing the company with their daily manners, active projects and general subjects from the real estate field.

Client: Riigi Kinnisvara
Contact: Mariliis Sepper & Mariaana Sõnajalg
IDENTITY: RKAS Podcast & Webinars


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IDENTITY: RKAS Podcast & Webinars
