Product visualization for Movimento club
Made for Dutch Design Week 2020.
Visualization | Ekaterina Amato
October 2020
In collaboration with Movimento club we made this interesting project to present young designers and emerging brands products for Dutch Design Week 2020.

Everything new begins with rivers, seas and oceans. The Live itself began in water. History of all humankind more or less connected to water and waterways. To find the city you had to go by the river, to monopolize trade you had to dominate 7 seas, to discover New World, you had to cross the ocean.

Since this project is dedicated to the Dutch Design Week exhibition, we have chosen such a nautical theme for a reason. As you know, Holland was of no small importance in the great geographical discoveries. The Golden Age of Holland, as that period is called. Now this is a very significant place for design.

The main idea was to show young and brave products that embarked from the coast to meet the amazing new world of design.
Sailed away