Be Creative with Michaels

Design I 8x10 Creative ad for Michaels

The assignment was to first, choose a business or product to create an ad for, then create a slogan for that company, and lastly, only use objects that resembles letters to spell out that slogan.
These are my sketched ideas.
This was my first idea. Michaels is known for their framing department, as well as all the various crafts. So I thought to make a photo frame collage, to not only find letter-shaped objects, but to frame each one.
This sketch is what led to my final project. Still using the framing idea, I framed the entire slogan in one frame. The final project looks different from this, because I'm really good (or bad, depending on how you look at it) at changing the sketched idea or even going in a totally different direction once the work gets started. But the main inspiration is the framing.
Be Creative with Michaels

Be Creative with Michaels
