Sharvari D sin profil

Posters in Solidarity

Made some posters/ Graphic Narrative as  a response to the artist call against the state's actions of filing fabricated chargesheets against anti-caste and human rights activists, lawyers, students, artists and journalists. By using  draconian legislations such as the UAPA, the government continues to put them behind the bars and continues to reject their petition for bail without considering their health issues.
Free GN Saibaba
'GN Saibaba, a professor of English at the University of Delhi, was arrested in 2014 and sentenced to life imprisonment in 2017, under the allegation that he had links with banned Maoist groups. The draconian Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act had been invoked in his case. After his initial release on grounds of medical treatment—he uses a wheelchair as a result of post-polio residual paralysis of his lower limbs—he wrote about the conditions he had faced in an anda cell in the Nagpur prison. His partner, Vasantha Kumari, shared his poems which he had written in confinement.
On 11 April, the Committee for the Defence and Release of Dr. GN Saibaba put out a statement  asking for his release in the face of a threat to his life because of the COVID-19 virus. His health has deteriorated during his incarceration, and he suffers from pancreatitis, high-blood pressure, immobility and sleeplessness.'

Source : 
"A World of Silence is Blown into Smithereens" GN Saibaba's poems from confinement ( The Caravan
Free Sudha Bharadwaj
Sudha Bharadwaj is a trade-unionist, activist and lawyer who has lived and worked in Chhattisgarh for over three decades. On the 28 th of August 2018, along with other lawyers, writers and activists, Sudha was arrested under wrongful charges in the Bhima Koregaon case and put in jail under the draconian UAPA law. Part of the vibrant labour movement that began in the iron ore mines of Dalli Rajhara as a young activist, Sudha was urged by workers to study law and fight for them in the courtroom. She has fought hundreds of cases for the most exploited of contract workers across the factories of Chhattisgarh.

Posters in Solidarity


Posters in Solidarity
