Maternity Wear
The joy in Motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard timesfrustrating times. But amid the challenges there are Shining moments of Joy & Satisfaction..
Description: This garment is created as one piece maternity wear with functional aspects. For the requirements of the women's during her pregnancy stage & after stage.For the beneficial of the mother and new born. Garment carries  functional of nursing cape, breast feeding access.
"Jersey Knit Fabric Grey & Cotton Rayon Fabric Green"
Knit Fabric for super stretchable fit ,light weight.
Rayon Cotton fabric for casual style.

"Nursing Cape = Cotton Rayon Green Fabric is designed in the most functional way for the women's for breast feeding there child, which acts as a covering during the feeding at times in public places, bus, shopping units."
"Cotton Rayon Green Fabric is designed in the most functional way for the women's for breast feeding there child, which acts as a covering during the feeding at times in public places, bus, shopping units."
Maternity Wear
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Maternity Wear

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