Dhanushkodi -  The Ghost Town
Dhanushkodi is an abandoned town at the south-eastern tip of Pamban Island of the state of Tamil Nadu in India. This narrow coastal town was destroyed during a cyclone in 1964 and remains uninhabited in the aftermath. 
The tip of this town called Arichamunai holds great Hindu mythological significance as it is believed to have been the starting point of a man made stone bridge called Ram Setu, on which Lord Ram walked till Sri Lanka to rescue his wife Sita from the clutches of King Raavan. On clear days the coast of Sri Lanka (only 24kms away) is visible from Arichamunai.
In the scorching heat, a tourist walks the 4.5km road till Arichamunai.
Dhanushkodi is home to a very small fishing community.
Dilapidated buildings can be seen on the beaches which add to the eerie aura of the town.
A Ghost Town


A Ghost Town
