Sarah Childers 的個人檔案

Shur-Co Website Redesign

Shur-Co Website
Page layouts built with Sketch, Illustrator and Photoshop

Shur-Co Redesign - Home
Desktop and Mobile Views
Shur-Co provides tarp services and containment systems for businesses. The business wanted to refresh their website utilizing an e-commerce plugin using WordPress. The home page provided quick access links for the user to quickly find what they are looking for, in addition to a search bar field in the header that is also quickly accessible from mobile. The "New Product" section gives the business the option to feature a new product to the user when they are shopping for tarps online. In the shopping cart, the clear call-to-action button directs the user to the checkout section of the website.

Shur-Co Redesign - Shopping Cart
Desktop and Mobile Views
Shur-Co Website Redesign

Shur-Co Website Redesign
