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Artosphere Festival Rebranding

Artosphere is an annual festival that was started in 2009 as a project of the Walton Arts Center as a celebration of the arts, nature, and sustainable living. Artosphere consists of many different family friendly events that such as natural art installations, dance performances, and live music of various sorts. This entire festival, due to generous support from many sponsors, is open to the community with every event being either free or at a very minimal cost.
The idea and purpose behind the Artosphere logo is to convey a modern feel while still sticking to its fine art base. Maven Pro was used as the logo type, as it is clear and simple, yet conveys strong personality to it. The leaf and sphere placed
together in place of Artosphere’s “o” are placed to illustrate the emphasis that is placed upon the ecosystem, the globe, and the circle of life. Both are placed together as one image in order to convey the unity of the subjects being portrayed.
The print program is still a necessity in current festivals. This redesign of the Artosphere program is to keep things clean, fresh and modern while still maintaining the central themes of the Artosphere: art and sustainable living. (All printed on recycled paper, of course.)
In a digital society such as today, a digital copy of the program for the Artosphere festival is a must. This concept is
essentially that copy of the program that's digitized and redesigned to fit the small screen. This application opens up the possiblities for information that can updated on the fly, along with a new depth of connectivity and interactivity.
This kiosk poster will be placed outside of the Walton Arts Center as both an advertisement as well as an on-site reference to the schedule during the two month period in which the Artosphere occurs.
Streetlight banners are a fun and decorative way to advertise for events. These banners can be hung before and during the two months of Artosphere throughout Bentonville and downtown Fayetteville, as well as the streets surrounding the Walton Arts Center.
Artosphere Festival Rebranding
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Artosphere Festival Rebranding

A brand redesign for the Walton Arts Center's "Artosphere" annual festival.

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