moonicorn—unique, pure and fine

moonicorn is a concept for an organic dairy brand—promoting its very special purity and the myth of the "moonicorn".

The naming is a hybrid between the wording "moo" and the term of the unicorn—which is not only a well known and well liked character of pop culture, but it is also said to be the animal of purity in mythology. 
Thus the name builds an association with terms such as originality, purity and modernity. 

PS: The unicorns horn gets associated with magical skills in history, such as the ability to neutralize poison. In medieval times, the unicorns horn was considered to be a versatile remedy. Therefore many pharmacies in various cities where known as "unicorn-pharmacies". Therefore, the horn which has been added to the image of the cow, refers to the milks healthy and pure quality, which subsequently gets attributed to the product.



moonicorn—pure organic milk.
