Andrea Ugay profili

Hukab: Memorial for the Battle of Marawi

Design Concept: Immersion and Involvement
A 29-year-old soldier who fought in the Battle of Marawi has shared his and his comrades' struggles as they fought for Marawi City's freedom from the terrorists. He has admitted his refusal to be in such a brutal situation and despise for the numerous deaths. While it had been extremely remorseful for him, he has countered that it was an honor to be at the forefront and show their troop's spirit of patriotism.
The monument focuses on the fallen soldiers' act of bravery. Despite the huge probability of failure, the soldiers pushed forward and thrusted themselves headlong into battle due their unwavering courage and deep patriotism. The monument is a commemoration  of their selflessness; a symbol of their sacrifice, which aims to instill and evoke a deeper sense of love for the nation in people as they look upon and behold the monument.

The form was derived from the soldier's story of how they went through the walls of the houses in the war zone as means of travel. This was to prevent direct terrorist attacks when they move around at ground level. 
The monument during daytime
Narrow passageway passing through the structure represents the struggles of the fallen soldiers and the war being fought through the walls of the houses in Marawi. It symbolizes the awareness of the soldiers to the unpleasantries of the war, yet they still went in because of their patriotism.
The monument stands as a center piece among the area; its surroundings give a serene vibe which is contrasting to the dramatic meaning of the structure.

Scale and Symmetry
It has a mid-towering height which makes it more engaging to the human scale but still imposes a monumental feeling. The symmetrical planning and form evolution of the monument also adds up to the project's serene atmosphere.
Side view of the monument during the afternoon
Hukab: Memorial for the Battle of Marawi
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Hukab: Memorial for the Battle of Marawi

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