Go Phish
RMIT Cybersecurity
Brief: Increase the awareness and education of all staff in the need to remain cyber safe. Develop a marketing campaign that educates and makes staff aware of the risk of being online and the need to keep cyber safety top of mind.
This project was produced by Sofia Georganas, Katherine Coutles, Tegan McGinty, Pip Dolman and Mey Ing Luo.
I was involved with research and artefact development.
I was solely responsible for designing the website and all the visuals within it.
The problem that we are trying to solve is RMIT’s staff underwhelming cybersecurity behaviour caused by a lack of awareness and knowledge of cybersecurity. The reason this is a problem for all RMIT staff is because of continued data breaches and cyber attacks on the university.
Website Walkthrough
Go Phish

Go Phish

