Presently App - Mobile and Desktop

Have you ever not known what to get for someone? Perhaps a spouse, parent, or co-worker? Well the problem is now solved! The Presently App allows people to upload things and items that they like or would like for future gifts. They can update it at anytime on their phone and the list is also viewable by computer. This is not meant for just Christmas but birthdays, valentines days, or any occasion.

A person can create a gift wish list for themselves and share that list with other people. They will include pictures or links to the things they want. Then others can then go in and view the list and have direct access to the things they would like. Friends can then mark if they purchased a gift but only other friends can see it - not the person they bought it for. This leaves surprise and no double gifts. The app home page will also give you suggestions for gift ideas! 

Presently App

Presently App



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