This was done in 2016, and is still one of my favorite drawings. I absolutely love spotted hyenas and love drawing them in my personal work when I can. Id been watching documentaries about them and their relationship with the locals in certain areas of Africa and then my mind just started working away on ideas. 

I went from I want to draw a spotted hyena, to how hyenas interact with humans, to the humans who interact with and feed them, protect them, revere them, and also to those who fear them. With that other relationships, such as their relationship with lions, their eternal enemies. Hyenas are such an interesting species, ran by a matriarch, the females command the clan. 

So I'm thinking, I want to do this drawing, but I want it to be more than just a drawing. I want it to pop, and to speak. When I drew this I was going through a phase of making everything rainbow and grunge, so I wanted to play off that and also give it a little bit more meaning. 

Its subtle, but the title of this piece is Bleeding Africa. I wanted to take an African predator, an icon people would recognize, and create a graffiti type of look, like something you would see on some abandoned wall. And then let the meaning of the piece be personal with everyone who sees it. However you want to see this, and think about its meaning, its all correct. However you view it, is how its meant to be viewed. 

This is also a T-shirt design and is available on apparel and other merchandise on my redbubble store. Store is located here:
Bleeding Africa

Bleeding Africa
