Henkilön Dan Silverstone profiili

BCSP Annual Report 2012-13

The past twelve months has seen a radical change in the field of policing and Community Safety. In the course of the year elected Police & Crime Commissioners replaced Police Authorities, and Police & Crime Panels were established across the country.
Crime has continued to fall in Birmingham. In 2012-13 there were 9,786 fewer recorded crimes than the previous year, a reduction of 12%. People in Birmingham were also feeling safer too.
The BCSP Annual Report 2012-13 has been created to reflect these changes with a main focus on data. All the data presented here was handed down via Word documents, Excel spreadsheets and rough drawings. I decided to create separate data sets for each crime type, and while the task was pretty labour-intesive at times, I feel it paid off significantly in terms of overall design.
BCSP Annual Report 2012-13

BCSP Annual Report 2012-13

The BCSP annual report which highlights key areas of partnership working throughout the financial years of 2012-13.
