Henkilön Comodo Screen profiili

NOVA Channel rebrand

NOVA rebrand
NOVA , a women’s channel leader in Spain,  needed a rebrand with the objective to renew its image maintaining links with the audience but also creating new ones. Focus on content, with positive, close and emotional communication, in a clear and easy way.
With this aim,  we centered our rebrand proposal in this strong connection between content and audience,  based in sharing values and emotions.  Fiction, specially soap operas, is a window to different realities, a way to live other emotions. The key is “what” is happening and “what” are they feeling. The message is the center of the channel. NOVA is a daily companion, women inspiration and friendly fun.
We desing a collection of colorful floral and nature inspire backgrounds that provide a fresh and very femenine style. There are 12 different backgrounds for idents, plus special ocasion ones like Christmas, Valentines Day, Halloween… We also created backgrounds for “Next” pieces with colors of the same tone, or more narrative situations for cinema slots.
The combination of Nova window and backgrounds builds a very recognisable image that grabs viewer interest.
NOVA window key visual
The brand becomes a window, a window to big stories and new worlds; the entrance to soap opera, movies or inspiring world of fashion and decoration. This window would part of NOVA’s essence, its name and its logo.
We play with  the outline of the “n” and the “a” to create a new shape that will become the channel key visual. The shape will become the new image tool, an identifier and also a path element to drive audience through the channel. Simple and versatile, helps to frame and categorize information.
Inspirational sentences
Meaningful and inspirational sentences are also part of Nova’s new way to communicate. They are little pieces of emotion that catch quickly women’s attention, they easily empathize or identify with channel programs.
Its a powerful element for idents but also for graphic package,  sentences will be part of the promos, idents ….  They are also pieces easy to share in social media.
María Borrás – Executive production
Abel López – Creative direction
Pep Prior – Creative direction and illustration
Elena Labandeira – Production
Riccardo Marras – Animation
Raquel Lafuente – Animation
Banjo Soundscapes for audiences
Ivan Llopis – Audiologo and music
NOVA Channel rebrand

NOVA Channel rebrand
