Manifestus means "obvious". The purpose of a manifesto is to bring out the most visceral values and beliefs of an organization or an individual. 

A manifesto tells a story. 
It takes a stand.
It reminds you and the world of why you do what you do.

I've written manifestos in English and in Portuguese, showcased below, for myself, friends and organisations. I've also facilitated group sessions with business owners to empower them to write their own brand manifestos.
Karma is law. 
Verifiable, measurable, observable. It is the unquestionable truth that every action generates a proportional reaction. 

It is stepping into existence knowing that each step leads to a possibility for the future.
It is looking at the past surgically, looking for what may be different from now on.
It is looking to the future with the peace of mind of those who know, with all the cells in their body, that what goes around, comes around.

Karma is cultivating compassion and inclusion to harvest hugs. 

It is to understand that we are in this insane world to learn, to follow and to be followed.
It is taking responsibility for our choices.
To understand that every act has consequences, direct or indirect, whether we like it or not.

Karma is knowing that collaborating is a lot cooler than competing.
It is to leave behind the stories that we have heard about success and failure.
It is to follow our gut.

In football, it is not uncommon to hear that “the ball punishes”. A poorly scored penalty that ends up on the post, a goal annulled in a vicious way that is compensated shortly thereafter.

Life punishes us.
Whoever has eyes to see this, knows.

Life also rewards us.
Not always in the ways we learn to perceive, not always in the way we expect.

Karma is taking the time. 
The world spins at the same speed as always, but it seems to be moving faster and faster.
This high speed is artificial, though: real-time is accelerated by us, who invented time.
A result can eventually arrive at light speed. 
But many, many times, it comes on foot, one step after the other.

Karma is truth, it is transparency. 
It is knowing the rules of the game.
It's playing fair.
It's understanding that we are all playing.
And trying, as impossible as it may seem, to make sure that everyone wins.
O mundo é um lugar melhor quando vivemos bem.

Pensa bem nessa afirmação: ela é verdadeira de dentro pra fora, e de fora pra dentro.

Quando cultivamos o bem-estar, o mundo à nossa volta tem mais cor. 
A gente presta mais atenção nas coisas boas e se equipa para lidar com as que não são.

Quando desfrutamos da oportunidade de nos dedicarmos a atividades significativas, a relações enriquecedoras e a momentos de alegria, geramos um efeito borboleta no mundo. 

As pessoas à nossa volta sentem-se autorizadas a cuidarem-se melhor. 
As entidades a quem servimos recebem uma entrega de mais qualidade e impacto.
Nossas comunidades prosperam com a circulação da nossa energia.

Euzinha, Dá pra ser Diferente, nasço com a missão de promover isso em muitas vidas.
Na sua vida, se você quiser. Nasço com a missão de te convidar a repensar algumas coisas que a gente aprendeu serem verdades absolutas.

A aprender sobre outras que talvez deveríamos ter aprendido na escola (ao invés da fórmula de Bhaskara).

A te inspirar, através de histórias de gente que ousa fazer um pouco (ou muito) diferente.

A te fazer sonhar com uma vida mais leve, mais coerente com os teus valores.
A promover o impacto mais positivo possível - sem abrir mão da ética, da saúde, do bom-humor e da calma.

Porque quando vivemos bem, o mundo se torna um lugar melhor.

The world is a better place when we are well.
Think about that statement: it is true from the inside out, and from the outside in.

When we cultivate well-being, the world around us more colourful.
We pay more attention to good things and become equipped to deal with those that are not.

When we enjoy the opportunity to dedicate ourselves to meaningful activities, enriching relationships and moments of joy, we generate a butterfly effect on the world.

People around us feel empowered to take better care of themselves.
The entities we serve receive a higher quality and impact delivery.
Our communities thrive on the circulation of our energy.

I am born with the mission of promoting this in many lives. In your life, if you want. I am born with the mission of inviting you to rethink some things that we have learned to be absolute truths.

To learn about others that perhaps we should have learned at school (instead of Bhaskara's formula).
To inspire you, through stories of people who dare to do a little (or a lot) different.
Making you dream of a lighter life, more consistent with your values.
To promote the most positive impact possible - without giving up ethics, health, good humor and calm.
Because when we live well, the world becomes a better place.
Are you with me?
I carry a utopia with me:
that every single one of us,
without exception,
anywhere on the planet,
has the right to a life that makes us smile.

A life that lives up to the blood that flows in our veins,
that celebrates the incredible series of coincidences that culminated in being here,
just the way we are.

It is a boldness to seek the good side of things and people.
It is costly, sometimes.

But there is beauty in the shade of a towel spread out to dry.
As children walk down the street.
In the view that only we have, here, from our window.

The beauty of the moments is not about aesthetic perfection or symmetry,
has to do with their meaning.

That is the existence.
Is here.
And now.

There is no need to rush.
There is no reason to run blindly after a dream that you didn't even dream of.

When I gave up trying to be who I was not,
I understood that the world was big,

When I realised that it didn't have to be anyone other than myself,
when I learned that the greatest wealth that exists is that of affection,
I realised that it was possible to write my story with my own hands.

To be alive is to hear music that touches the heart.
It's talking to someone we love without an hour or an agenda.
It is to feel the sun's rays coming down your face.

The world needs us to be us.

When we allow ourselves to be ourselves,
when we started to believe in us,
we turn obstacles into opportunities,
stumbling in dance steps,
failures in lessons.

We become kinder to ourselves and the world.
We take care of being well and doing well.
We have the courage to say what needs to be said.
We have eyes to see life winning.
An open heart to receive life's lessons.
A good head to contribute in unimaginable ways.

We understand that we are all one.
We believe it can be different.
And we smile with life.
Confidence is contagious.

Confidence means "to trust with".
It comes from within, and it grows stronger when we share it with others.

Confidence is about having faith in ourselves. 
About believing we can overcome whatever life throws at us. 
About believing we are good enough. 
About believing we can become whatever we set our hearts and minds to.

Our mission with Your Lookbook is to spread confidence around the world. 
It is to give you and us the tools and the inspiration to build unshakable faith in ourselves.

We know it's a difficult road to take.

Each of us involved in bringing Your Lookbook, from myself, Nadia Roberto, to our models, photographers, stylists and specialists, have struggled with seeing our own value.
Each of us has a story of overcoming self-doubt.
In fact, we are still learning, every day, how to not let that defeat us.

We all know, deeply, the immense power that comes from trusting ourselves.
We have all experienced the transformation in our lives, and in the lives of others, that happens when we feel empowered to use our voices.

Here at Your Lookbook, we also believe this doesn't have to be a lonely journey.
Everything you see, from our products to pictures, to collections, to the website, is the result of collaborations with amazing people.

In the heart of Your Lookbook is our connections. 
We cheer ourselves up. 
We appreciate each other. 
We lift each other.

We believe in each other.

It's about fashion.
It's about inspiration.
And it's a lot more than that.

It's a journey of self-confidence.

Are you in?
As estruturas mudaram,

Olhe em volta.
Nada é como era antes.

O que restou ainda há de mudar,
ainda há de ser demolido,

A (r)evolução chega, mais cedo ou mais tarde.
Quem você menos esperava está no comando agora.

Existe um chamado te esperando.
Você vai atender?

Existe algo dentro de você que entende que
Ou você entra na mudança,
Ou ela te atropela.

Você já consegue sentir.

Eu te trago novidades.
Eu trago coisas do mundo.

Eu fui atrás de um jeito melhor.

Esse jeito existe,
e eu carrego ele em minhas mãos.

Por que fazer como todo mundo?
Por que fingir que está funcionando?

Me dê a mão.
Olhe o mundo com os meus olhos.

Pessoas pedem,
pessoas fazem,
pessoas inventam.

Eu acredito tanto nas pessoas.
Eu me ajoelho diante da genialidade das pessoas.

Olha como já chegamos longe.
Olha o quanto já criamos.

Mas o que te trouxe até aqui
não será suficiente pra te levar adiante.

Somos gente,
com alma,
com coração batendo,
com neurônios espelho.

Uma biblioteca de potencial infinito,
um laboratório que se estende além do que os olhos podem enxergar,
só esperando que você dê o primeiro passo
e comece a experimentar.

Eu quero que o teu poder torne a vida das pessoas melhor.
Eu quero que você trabalhe melhor.
Eu quero que você saiba intuitivamente o que precisa saber.

A resposta está sempre nas pessoas.

Eu sempre encontro a resposta,
porque nunca me falta a audácia de fazer as perguntas.

Eu sou adaptável.
Eu sou caórdico.

Eu não tenho medo.
Ou melhor: eu vou com medo mesmo.

Segura a minha mão.

Eu vou enfiar o pé em todas as portas,
eu vou escancará-las,
e eu vou sempre chegar na hora certa.

Não há mais limites.

A experiência humana se potencializa.
Nos torna mais aptos, mais inteligentes, mais competentes.

Eu aponto o caminho.
Vem comigo!
The structures have changed,

Look around.
Nothing is as it was before.

What remains is yet to change,
yet to be demolished,

(R)Evolution is coming, sooner or later.
Who you least expected is in charge now.

There is a call waiting for you.
Will you answer it?

There is something inside you that understands that
you either go into change,
or change runs over you.

You can already feel it.

I bring you news.
I bring things from the world.

I sought for a better way.
That way exists,
and I carry it in my hands.
Why do like everyone else?
Why pretend to be working?

Give me your hand.
See the world through my eyes.

People ask things,
people make things,
people invent things.

I believe in people so much.
I kneel before the genius of people.

Look how far we've come.
Look how much we've already created.

But what brought you here
won't be enough to take you forward.

We are people,
with souls,
with a beating hearts,
with mirror neurons.

A library of infinite potential,
a laboratory that extends beyond what the eye can see,
just waiting for you to take the first step
and start experimenting.

I want your power to make people's lives better.
I want you to work better.
I want you to know intuitively what you need to know.

The answer is always in people.

I always find the answer,
because I never lack the audacity to ask questions.

I am adaptable.
I am chaordic.
I'm never afraid.
Or rather: I go on, despite the fear.

Hold my hand.
I'll stick my foot in all the doors,
I will open them up,
and I will always be there on time.

There are no more limits.
The human experience is enhanced.
It makes us fitter, smarter, more competent.

I'm pointing the way.
Come with me!
Written Manifestos


Written Manifestos


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