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italo calvino: without colours

All I could see was gray upon gray. No sharp contrasts: the only really white white, if there was any, lay in the center of the Sun and you couldn't even begin to approach it with your eyes; and as far as really black black is concerned, there wasn't even the darkness of night, because all the stars were constantly visible. Uninterrupted horizons opened before me with mountain chains just beginning to emerge, gray mountains, above gray rocky plains
- <cosmicomics> by italo calvino
She was lying, colorless, overcome with sleep, on the colorless sand. I sat down nearby. It was the season -- as I know now -- when the ultraviolet era was approaching its end on our planet; a way of life about to finish was displaying its supreme peak of beauty. Nothing so beautiful had ever run over the Earth, as the creature I had before my eyes.
- <cosmicomics> by italo calvino
"Beautiful!" I tried to persuade her. "No!" she protested, but she looked at them; removed now from the Sun's reflections, they were opaque like the other stones; 
and only then did she say: "Beautiful!"
- <cosmicomics> by italo calvino
But already the meteorite's arc had moved away from the Sun, and the Earth was reconquered by its perennial gray, now even grayer to my dazzled eyes, and indistinct, and opaque, and there was no Ayl
- <cosmicomics> by italo calvino

without Ayl. Always.
progress sketch
<Cosmicomics toyscape exhibition x georgetown festival 2017>
series 5: without colours
together with toymaker newcleus ; videographer Peysien
italo calvino: without colours


italo calvino: without colours
