Kokeshi - Fondation pour l'Audition x ARI Pictures


Producer : Sebastien Baudier
Lead : Arthur Choupin
Designers/Animators : Charles Balbont + Jimmy Delannoy
The “Fondation pour l’Audition” is a french foundation dedicated to the protection of hearing. To help them communicate with the corporate world, we created a cute animated movie on how to protect our hearing in a professional environment. As the film had to be showcased in many places where the sound wouldn’t be available, we had to find ways to visually show how noise can be menacing to our hearing without the help of sound design or music. We ended up with a combination of tiles moving like waves and a color gauge.
For the character design we were inspired by the Kokeshi dolls, which are Japanese traditional dolls that you offer to your loved ones. We found them cute, and an appropriate metaphor, because protecting your hearing is a gift you do to yourself. From a marketing standpoint we thought that it would be a fresh approach of the subject with a colorful identity to catch the eye.
Final Design:
Visually representing the sound was an interesting challenge. Our team worked on waves that would ripple around noise sources, and impact physically it’s surroundings. This part was entirely animated by hand, using mograph cloner and field deformers in C4D.
But it wasn’t clear enough that noise could be a threat. So we enhanced the clarity of the visual message with a “danger gauge” and facial expressions of the main doll  to emphasize the danger.
And because we love Corgis and “The Good Place”, we scattered some cute Easter eggs in the movie.
Made with <3 by the ARI Pictures team
Kokeshi - Fondation pour l'Audition x ARI Pictures

Kokeshi - Fondation pour l'Audition x ARI Pictures
