Dysfunction is an illustration mini series about mundane parts of life that can turn into dreadful ordeals when we are faced with stress, overworking, trauma or mental illness. Often under these situations, we put so much effort into giving the appearance that we have things under control to the outside world, and acts of self maintenance become blurred. when we have no choice but to ignore them, simple things we do daily to keep our lives moving forward can become another factor of stress.
This illustration series was born out of Damla’s desire to express their experiences with ADHD, and how their symptoms were exacerbated by the circumstances caused by the pandemic. The dread of checking new emails, The daily chores that get rewritten every day but feel out of reach even though they seem simple, well intentioned advice that just doesn’t come through. Things we need to do become more distorted, harder to comprehend and solve the longer they are delayed.
But these experiences are not unique to sufferers of ADHD, anyone but the very privileged can find themselves stretched thin trying to continue their daily routine while burdened with the effects of the pandemic and economic uncertainty. Using digital elements such as phone interfaces and websites, and distorting them through use of pencils and a scanner, Damla wants to put the feeling of alienation from self maintenance to a visual medium, for everyone who relates to it. 

