La Popa is an 1700 high mountain shaped like a boats Bow, popa in spanish hence the name. Located in the outskirts of second largest city in Mexico, Monterrey.
With a 600+ meters vertical drop followed by another 200+ meters on incline its a perfect spot to practice a wing suit base jump.
its a 1.5 hour climb through medium to mild aggressive thorn vegetation
You may be lucky enough to find the local wild life in the area.
Leo Turco(left) an experienced poly athlete was the main athlete in this project we conceived the idea of the jump a year before doing it. He did it a while back but with out documenting it, this time he invited me along with his friend Isaac an upcoming star in the air sports scene in Mexico.
Leo taking the first jump at first light
Isaac practicing the exit
We were blessed to be accompanied by the blood moon
La Popa

La Popa
