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REEF, contemporary bracelet


# Contemporary jewellery 

Contemporary jewellery, designed with computational modelling techniques and inspired by the beautiful and delicate coral reefs ecosystem. Architectural, Abstract, Alluring. Inspired by nature, defined by math. 


Inspired by

# Math 
# Coral Reefs
# Architecture

Created to raise awareness of endangered coral reefs and their spectacular structures; REEF is a contemporary jewellery collection designed for Maison 203. Each piece is hand-painted, and 3D printed in Italy, joining computational digital technology, math and human craftsmanship.

Why do we say the collection is inspired by math? Here a little bit of background. To minimize the material used for the bracelet structure, we borrowed the concept of minimal surface from math and architecture. A minimal surface is a surface that minimize its area. Think about soap bubbles and soap films created by a performer. The soap film is trying to minimize the surface area, creating in the process a very balanced and beautiful shape. This is the concept behind the REEF bracelet design. It is purely functional as it minimize the material used by the 3d printer to create the object, it is very lightweight and happen to be graceful and balanced because of the same math we can find in nature. In addition to this, the coral reef inspired pattern, contributes to achieving even greater lightness and thanks to the minimal surface can be squeezed and morphed in an exceptionally beautiful way.


Lightweight and flexible, 
available in six different colours and 2 finishes.


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REEF, contemporary bracelet


REEF, contemporary bracelet

Created to raise awareness for endangered coral reefs and their spectacular structures; REEF is a contemporary jewellery collection design for Ma Read More
