Fara Pastry

Fara pastry is a home pastry shop located in Bogor, Indonesia which sells various pastries and various kinds of desserts.

Starting in 2019, a small family with a housewife who likes to make various kinds of pastries and desserts decided to form a small to medium business in their home, with typical home tools and materials.  To help this small to medium-sized business, a simple concept was formed that still brings exclusivity to it.  In other words, with the tools and materials that are minimal, but still brings the exclusivity of a typical home.  As for fara, it is a combination of the names of the two children in the family.

Apart from selling offline or online, this business also accepts orders for various events, holidays, and gifts.  The owner of this business really expects satisfaction for every customer in various matters and interests, but still with products that are still maintained in quality.

Fara Pastry

Fara Pastry

Fara pastry is a home pastry shop located in Bogor, Indonesia which sells various pastries and various kinds of desserts.
