In high school I competed in gymnastics at the provincial level. I have been coaching since I was 12 years old, I even got my judging certificate. I have always loved this sport. My love of the sport made it easy to make an icon set of different gymnastics poses. My hope was to make the body recognizable but to give emphases to the legs, as gymnasts use there legs a ton.  
I started with some really rough sketches just getting ideas and concepts on a page, later with some reference photos (so that I could draw the human body to be recognizable) I made some more detailed sketches that I could use to make the digital icons.
After receiving some feedback I added color and a shadow line to each icon. It was also pointed out that the human body does not have sharp corners. After these edits I asked for more feedback and learned that the arms on the gymnasts were to short. Instead of giving focus to the legs as I had hoped, it was drawing attention to the arms and making it look like I was failing at attempting to draw the arms. This was because they arms were not proportionate to the body. I made the arms longer and more consistent between the icons.
The icons are realistic enough to be identified as the human body, the legs have more detail thus your eyes are drawn to them. The colors used are that of the Olympic rings this keeps the icons fun and more on the whimsical side.  
First Icon Set
公開日 :

First Icon Set

公開日 :

