Profil użytkownika „Farah K. Ibrahim”

We're All Young Here: 2. Denial & Splitting

We're All Young Here (Defense Mechanism)
'We're all Young Here' is a project series that mainly discusses immature defense mechanisms, which are known to be strategies that a human develops unconsciously when their identity is threatened or facing an unpleasant psychological pain or situation. It is variants of different human behavior evoked from the brain; as it is a project about humans for humans, I wanted to sort of reflect what happens inside of a human brain on to the outside of a human skin where I used it as a canvas to show the conceptuality of each defense mechanism I chose to study.
2. Denial:
Defense mechanism, 'it is the refusal to accept reality or facts, acting as if a painful event, thought, or feeling did not exist; early childhood development -most primitive-'.

Defense mechanism,  'it is the failure in a person's thinking to bring together the dichotomy of both positive and negative qualities of the self and others into cohesive, realistic whole. The individual tends to think in extremes; all good or all bad with no middle ground'.
We're All Young Here: 2. Denial & Splitting


We're All Young Here: 2. Denial & Splitting

We're All Young Here (Defense Mechanism): 'We're all Young Here' is a project series that mainly discusses immature defense mechanisms, which ar Rozwiń
