Kiran Kavya sin profil

Beer Bomb\\Systemic Design

Systemic design concept for consuming beer
The core of our 4 day workshop is to define the potential ideas, concepts and develop an interaction between the user, the service, the infrastructure and the ecosystem by using tools that follow the system of circularity.
Our first steps of the workshop, we defined problems and analysed the key challenges and developed a hypothesis to test through the research. We took on beer bottles as a challenge to design for circular economy. We looked into the production, waste, disposal and found design constraints to develop a circular solution. Using the user journey and understanding their pain points, we sketched scenarios where our product has a potential to be used by the users. This made us slowly develop our ideas towards something more concrete. ​​​​​​​
“ Effervescent beer spheres that revolutionises beer drinking experience for beer lovers who are environmentally conscious through soluble beer bombs in-compact packaging that are easy to carry. ”
Beer Bomb\\Systemic Design

Beer Bomb\\Systemic Design
