Profil użytkownika „Miriam Galindo”

Potential Benefits of Child Play Therapy

An experienced social worker and licensed psychologist, Dr. Miriam Galindo works in private practice, conducting therapies for children, couples, and entire families. Dr. Miriam Galindo dedicates her expertise in providing counseling for families dealing with high-conflict divorce and child custody evaluation. She also provides play therapy for children.

Play therapy is a form of psychotherapy or counseling where a person's challenges are assessed, evaluated, and, if possible, treated, through play. According to Play Therapy International, about 71 percent of children who have received play therapy may gain positive change from the experience.

While play therapy can also help adults, children are the main recipients of play therapy due to the fact that most children lack the verbal and cognitive skills required for them to communicate or express certain challenges (such as grief) to other people. At some points, during playtime, children may act out their feelings (often with toys); these moments are the best time therapists intervene in the play to help find and resolve a problem or study how the child is trying to deal with the issue using the toys as characters.

Play therapy can help relieve many challenges (like anxiety) in children and teach them how to experience and express feelings fully. It can also help children build positive characters and skills - such as self-respect and respect for others, empathy, stronger relationship with family, new or improved social skills, and the practice of taking responsibility for certain behaviors. Play therapy also helps children develop problem-solving skills and improve coping strategies.
Potential Benefits of Child Play Therapy

Potential Benefits of Child Play Therapy

