Nelly Martinez 님의 프로필Pia Margarita Araneta 님의 프로필

6 FabLab Outreach

How could the community get to know about the FabLab?
We believe that the FabLab could reach to the community by showcasing the work made in their premises. FabLab promotes creativity, building, crafting, and creating structures that could benefit the neighbourhood, so what a better advertisement than the results themselves?

We got inspired by successful initiatives like Chicago's and Sao Paulo 'Cows on Parade', Cincinatti's 'Big Pig Gig', Seattle's 'Pigs on Parade', and the similar sulpture show of colorful moose in Toronto.
Instead of choosing an animal, the common piece would be the FabLab logo, which is visually attractive itself.
The idea is that, instead of an animal, the participants create a physical design whith a creative variation of the FabLab logo.

One example of this could be to create a mural made from wood residue materials and install it in the premises of a local café, like this abstract mural. 
Murals, sculptures, sidewalk paintings, benches, or separation structures for the 'new normal', the possibilities are endless. 
A way to promote the participation in creating these artifacts would be to have a contest.

It does not have to involve money or profit, as the participants could win a month/semester/year membership for the FabLab, or win a spot in their desired course or workshop.

This would result in even more promotion of usage of the makerspace.

On the other side, community members and the public in general walking around the neighbourhood would notice the presence of the artistic interventions, just as with the animal sculptures previously mentioned in Sao Paulo, Toronto, Seattle, etc.

In those cases, the idea was welcomed among the civilians. In Toronto, for example, the expressive moose have been around since 2000, being modified several times.

In the same way, people could be intrigued at first, and then spread the word the Space NV innitiative. Surely the participants could get more people involved, telling them to vote for their creation.

This would result in personal interactions among the members of the community, and in reinforcing the feeling of belonging.

6 FabLab Outreach

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6 FabLab Outreach

A suggestion for the FabLab makerspace to reach out to the community is by showcasing the work made in their premises as an urban art interventio 자세히 보기


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