Poster, motion trailer and DVD packaging created fot the movie Mon Oncle.
Mon Oncle is a French movie directed by Jacques Tati and released in 1958, in a post-war era. The movie portrays the lives of a modern couple and their son, as well as the uncle—whose distinctive style consists of an overcoat, hat, pipe and an umbrella— who has simpler life.
Graphic aspects of the movie, such as the scene where the husband is going to work, are very synchronized, giving us a visual pattern that solidifies the modernism aspect. Mon Oncle pokes fun at the modern way of life, which seems very systematized with impractical gadgets, such as the bouncing jug; or actions, like when the housewife turns the fish fountain on or off depending on the visit or when the couple sits outside to only watch the TV which is placed inside the home, where common sense would think they would sit facing the garden to admire its beauty and talk to each other. The movie, leaves viewers to think about the positive (if any) and negative aspects of the modern way of life.
Mon Oncle Movie Identity

Mon Oncle Movie Identity

Poster projected created at the Basel School of Design.
