Shamika Kocharekar's profile

Memories are made of this

As time passes, all of us make a whole bunch of memories. Good ones, bad ones, romantic ones, earth shattering ones, once-in-a-lifetime ones, crazy ass ones, and plenty more.. And then we all have that one memory that we'd want to cocoon in our mind and keep it safely forever, so safely that you wouldn't want to forget it for the rest of eternity. 
But our mind, one of the most complex things that even mankind has failed to understand is such, that the more you try understanding it the more complicated it gets.. Everyday when you wake up, every second that you breathe you make memories.. It's like your mind is a book and each day you write in what happens without missing a millisecond. But that's just a form of expression, it isn't a book really, so what happens when you can't dog ear or bookmark those favourite chapters of your life?!
We all know memories fade with time...

So here's a fun something for you. All you got to do is, write in to me your most favourite memory. Something that you wouldn't wish to forget for the world... And in return I will choose the best three answers and illustrate your memory just for you. 
The three winners will not just get their answers illustrated by me and posted on my blog but also get their very own printed copies of it.. 
And the winners are.. *drumroll*
So we decided to sit near the carousel and eat french fries while looking at the tower. It was all good, although my ears were freezing, so he gave me his scarf that I wrapped around my head, and I already had a runny nose. And within the next few minutes I was attacked by a bird that stole a french fry from my hand while I was about to eat it! I don't think either of us could have laughed any harder. He kept shooing birds away, while I hurriedly finished the rest of my fries. It was hilarious! - Roxanne D'souza, 24, Mumbai
I was getting ready for my reception. The over enthusiastic hair dresser was quite pushy that I don different 'looks' for each ceremony...too ambitious given my short crop! I just wanted to finish with it and couldn't wait to feel normal again. I was looking and feeling like a bling christmas tree complete with my nerdy glasses. I was so underconfident... I told my hubby I'm feeling quite horrid about the disgusting 'look'. My hubby cooly held my hands and walked with so much pride.. he just said you're looking great baby. My friends told me he flashed the happiest smile. - Dipti Pai, 30, Mumbai
David Guetta concert in gurgaon. The one day I wouldn't want to forget for eternity. For every time I think of it I realise how lucky I am. After months of talking, my boyfriend and I met there for the first time. It wasn't a place first dates are made of - lot of noise and people. But, we sat anyway for when we did, the words came naturally. The jokes were so easy and the smile was the most real I had in a long long time. Now, we won't be in the same city but that night taught us to dream a million dreams together. It felt like reaching the end of the world. It felt a lot like love. - Tanya Puri, 20, Gurgaon
To know more log onto for details. 
Memories are made of this

Memories are made of this

Let's freeze one memory now shall we?
